Recent events at leading universities are shameful dismissal and abandonment of the core American value: ‘that the Government of the United States gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance.” Once centers for intellectual honesty, reflective discourse, freedom of thought, human dignity, and unwavering moral clarity, some of America’s most revered academic institutions have now shown themselves as hotbeds for bigotry and persecution, ferocious and self-perpetuated ignorance, blind rage, moral delinquency, support or terror and blatant Jew Israel hatred.
Birthright Israel is a leading Jewish educational enterprise for college-age students, and we call upon all organizations who care for the safety, dignity, and rights of not only Jewish students but all students.
We call on organizations and donors to stand united in issuing strong and unequivocal condemnation to the presidents and administrators of such schools.
These academic institutions are scattering darkness and not light in this great nation’s path. These institutions are allowing individuals to draw a decisive line between free speech and despicable antisemitism and Israel hatred.
Birthright Israel and Birthright Israel Foundation stand firmly with Jewish student across campuses and supports their continued solidarity with the State of Israel. We will not let hate win.